WRC ad Alghero
World Rally Championship is back in Alghero from June 9th to 12th. Most of the special stages are within one hour drive and every night...
Easter in Alghero / Pasqua ad Alghero
Easter comes early this year. A good chance to take a few days break in Alghero and taste Spring. Flights are still cheap and rooms are...
The first test year / Il primo anno di prova
A big thank to all friends that have come to visit me this year in Alghero and helped me to set up La Mandronia B&B that is now ready to...
Cheap flights in October / Voli economici a Ottobre
Cheap Ryanair flights from London Stansted to Alghero: October 7 26,51 GBP October 11-12-13-14 26,51 GBP October 18 26,51 GBP Voli...
Due giorni di festival della birra artigianale ai Giardini Manno di Alghero. Ottime birre alla spina, buona musica e bella gente Two day...
Official opening / Apertura ufficiale
La Mandronia B&B officially opens on October 1, 2015. The season ends on November 15, 2015 and will restart on March 1 , 2016 La...